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  • Call for proposals
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Call for proposals for action grants to provide financial contributions to organisations representing consumer interests in Members States or offering assistance to consumers in Member States in the form of Alternative Dispute Resolution

Call for proposals for action grants to provide financial contributions to ADR bodies notified by the EU Member States pursuant to the ADR Directive 2013/11/EU (SMP-CONS-2023-ADR)


Publication date
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
18 July 2023, 17:00 (CEST)


Call for proposals for action grants to provide financial contributions to Alternative Dispute Resolution bodies designated by the EU Member States pursuant to the ADR directive 2013/11/EU.

A wide range of activities are eligible to be supported by grants provided that they can be linked to the expected results. Such activities may include for instance (non-exhaustive list):

  • ADR networks support: meetings, conferences, development of common tools and common knowledge to improve networking and sharing of best practices at national, regional or EU-wide levels.
  • Awareness raising on consumer ADR, including ADR networks, bringing knowledge on ADR to a wider groups of consumers and traders.
  • Case handling: development of case management systems, including information technology tools, for instance, online migration of the case handling process to facilitate better and rapid screening and assessment of cases, communication with the parties to the disputes, case tracking, automatic translation, etc.
  • ADR operational capacity: staff training on the relevant European legislation, mentoring, study visits, data sharing with other stakeholders, and consulting to allow ADR entities to implement working methods and organisational models to better fulfil their mission.
  • Prototyping or purchasing tools based on artificial intelligence to assist and simplify the decision-making process.

The maximum co-financing rate for grants covered under this call is 90%.