- Status
- Closed
- Publication date
- 14 May 2019
- Opening date
- Deadline model
- Single-stage
- Deadline date
- 11 July 2019, 17:00 (CEST)
IOs will be selected to implement the Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme at local level. They will, in particular, recruit and assist the entrepreneurs who will benefit from the programme. This call will therefore support actions for organisations enhancing and facilitating the mobility of new entrepreneurs, and is not intended for entrepreneurs willing to participate in the programme. New entrepreneurs willing to participate in the programme will be supported directly by the selected IOs.
The deadline for electronic submission is 11 July 2019 17.00 hours (Brussels time). The submission system for this call will be available shortly and the link will be added on this page. The electronic submission reference for this call will be COS-EYE-2019-4-01.
A link will be made available to access the Participant Portal where you will be able to fill in the data online and upload all necessary documents. Please refer to the Guide for Applicants before commencing the electronic submission.
The eligibility criterion "Eligible consortia" of this call stipulates the following:
"It is not allowed that a partner participates in more than one proposal. Nevertheless, if this happens, the respective organisation will be excluded from all the proposals it applied. The respective consortia that will be affected by the exclusion of (a) partner(s) must still fulfil the eligibility criteria as stipulated in 6.1 and 6.2 in order to be considered eligible".
The Declaration template is available in Part B of the submission system, at the end of the Description of Action template (Technical Annex 1).
Please make sure that all partners in this proposal apply only once under this call in order to avoid ineligibility of your proposal and others.
Please note that beneficiaries who are implementing EYE as part of a FPA/SGA consortium by the date of publication of this call are not eligible to apply.
Please also note that the Commission/EASME encourage in particular those legal entities from countries and regions that are currently underrepresented to apply.
For full details, please consult the text of the call available below.
Supplementary information for applicants
To know more about the practical and financial conditions, please check the programme's website Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs The Implementation Manual for Intermediary Organisations (Quality Manual – version from March 2019) is also a rich source of information in order to understand how the programme works.
Questions about this call for proposals should be submitted only in writing by sending an e-mail to: Answers to questions received will be published in regular intervals.
Information event: You can find additional information on the recorded information webinar.
The content of this page is for information purposes only. The relevant legal instruments and the text of the call shall take precedence over the information contained in this page. The European Commission or EASME does not accept responsibility for any use made of the information contained therein.