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  • Call for proposals
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EU-SME Centre in China – phase V (SMP-COSME-2024-SMECC)


Publication date
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
15 January 2025, 17:00 (CET)


The overall objective of this call for proposal is to ensure the continuation of the EU SME Centre in China. The latter must provide a first line of advice to target SMEs, namely SMEs operating in China or willing to enter this market, to increase and diversify their knowledge on acquisition, exports, imports and investments. In this regard, during phase V the Centre will continue to offer a set of business support services to help target SMEs overcome barriers and constraints they face in their efforts to enter, stay, or de-risk from the Chinese market. 

The EU SME Centre in China is expected to reach a wide audience and to develop its activities vis-à-vis SMEs from EU and SMP associated countries.

Specific objectives

  • Assisting target SMEs to identify the most suitable EU and non-EU business support organisations, trade promotion organisation and other service providers at their disposal, that can provide target SMEs with the most appropriate support;
  • Assessing target SMEs’ readiness towards establishing and developing their commercial presence on the Chinese market and providing suitable advice on their level of preparedness to internationalise;
  • Assisting target SMEs to establish and develop a sustainable commercial presence on the Chinese market;
  • Developing better knowledge of the industrial and business environment in China, especially on key sectors, through training programmes, analytical and advisory activities, business information and logistic support;
  • Advising target SMEs on the risks and opportunities of the Chinese market so that they can take informed decisions on envisaged business relations with Chinese partners;
  • Improving synergies and best practice sharing among EU (and when applicable non-EU) BSOs/TPOs at European, national and regional level, with the ultimate goal of helping the target SMEs already established in China as well as those ones intending to do business in China; 
  • Creating or further developing synergies with other EU funded actions in a “Team Europe” fashion, offering, where relevant joint/complementary business services with an integrated approach;
  • Strengthening European advocacy for EU and SMP associated countries’ business communities, in particular SMEs, in relation to their business activities in China;
  • Advising target SMEs already operating in China on how to de-risk their operations, including providing support for SMEs willing to exit the market, in a sustainable way. 

Eligible activities: 

Below, you can find a short overview of the main activities to be carried out by the EU SME Centre in China during phase V. For a detailed (but not exhaustive) list of the eligible activities, please refer to the call for proposals.

  1. Ensuring the business continuity of the Centre throughout the project. A primary activity will be the management and continuous update and upgrade of the Centre’s website, a comprehensive online platform accessible by all target SMEs and interested stakeholders. The website shall:
  • help raise awareness and knowledge among target SMEs on China’s large and complex market; and
  • provide a user-friendly direct contact with the Centre, both for general enquiries about the services provided by the Centre and for guidance concerning other BSOs/TPOs that might be best placed to reply to their queries and provide assistance;
  1. Offering in-person, online or hybrid business support services considering their impact in terms of active participation and effectiveness. 
  2. Identifying new challenges as well as the existence of new barriers for SMEs considering expanding their business or operating in the Chinese market, including those related to de-risking and market exit. 
  3. Whilst maintaining a generalist approach as SMEs’ “first point of contact”, the Centre shall also focus on a limited set of pre-identified relevant economic sectors to continue improving the offer of value-added services at the disposal of target SMEs. 
  4. Ensuring that the activities of the Centre are coherent with the broader EU-China strategy, in particular the EU’s supply chain resilience, economic security and de-risking priorities. 
  5. Promoting coordination and developing fruitful cooperation and synergies with other EU-funded actions (especially with the China IP SME Helpdesk), EU policy initiatives and other European players (e.g. National Trade Promotion Organisations, Chambers of Commerce) both in China and in the EU. 
  6. Facilitating direct contacts and networking among and with target SMEs, to support exchange of best practices, cooperation and “Team Europe” spirit.
  7. Advocating on behalf of target SMEs, by collaborating with relevant stakeholders via oral and written contributions, and by reporting to DG GROW on market access trends and challenges faced by target SMEs in China.
  8. Assuming more publicly the role of SMEs’ “first point of contact” via an effective outreach and communication strategy.

Eligible applicants 

Legal entities (public or private bodies), established in one of the eligible countries, i.e.: 

  • EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs))
  • non-EU countries:
  • listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Single Market Programme (list of participating countries);
  • China, pursuant to Article 9 (2) (c) of the SMP Regulation.

Applicants must be business support organisations and/or trade promotion organisations:

  • representing groups of companies from EU Member States and SMP associated countries, including Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), and/or
  • representing business economic interests of EU or SMP associated countries and offering in the first instance non-individualised services for promoting trade and investment between Europe and China.

Budget and project duration

The estimated available call budget is EUR 2 700 000

Number of projects to be funded: Only one project will be funded.

Maximum project duration: 36 months


Outreach template 2024



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Questions on the call?
EISMEA-SMP-COSME-ENQUIRIESatec [dot] europa [dot] eu