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  • Call for proposals
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European Innovation Ecosystems CONNECT calls

Two EIE CONNECT calls with a total budget of € 8 million are open for submission until 26 October 2021.


Publication date
Opening date
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Deadline date
26 October 2021, 17:00 (CEST)


The CONNECT destination offers a holistic package of actions that foster the implementation of co-funded multi-annual programmes of activities among Member States, Horizon Europe Associated Countries and EU regions; encourage the inclusion of more stakeholders from across the quadruple helix and stimulate innovation procurement to help the market uptake of innovative solutions.

Two EIE CONNECT calls with a total budget of € 8 million are open for submission until 26 October 2021:

The actions will allow national, regional and/or local authorities from Member States, Associated Countries and/or EU regions in charge of innovation policies and programmes to prepare joint multi-annual programmes of activities (action plans), in cooperation with private and research and innovation actors. The goal of the proposed actions is to strengthen their efficiency, capacities and interconnection and jointly tackle challenges at EU, national, regional and local level.

Projects under this topic will provide dedicated training and guidance, exchange of best practices and capacity building necessary to reveal innovation procurement potential.