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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem: boosting the digital transition of social economy enterprises and SMEs

Call ref.: SMP-COSME-2023-SEED


Publication date
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
21 November 2023, 17:00 (CET)


In view of achieving the objectives set out in the European Commission’s Communication 2030 Digital Compass - the European way for the Digital Decade and the Social Economy Action Plan (SEAP), as well as to deliver on the actions identified in the Transition Pathway for the proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem, this call for proposals aims at:

  • Strengthening the digital transition and capabilities of SMEs in the social economy fostering their economic, organisational and impact related performances through setting up capacity building activities, training, advisory, joint technology initiatives, etc..
  • Supporting knowledge transfer and transnational cooperation amongst different partners, such as businesses and ‘enabling organisations’.
  • Strengthening the digital capacity and offer of ‘enabling organisations’ in the social economy. In doing so, those organisations (e.g. European, national and regional business support organisations, incubators, membership federations,…) can multiply the effects of this call and support their members, clients and stakeholders in their digital transition as well as driving digital social innovations.
  • Strengthening the role of social economy as a driver for digital social innovation and consequent digital solutions and tools developed to answer social, societal and environmental challenges.

Available budget: EUR 8 000 000

Project duration: between 24 and 36 months

Project budget: between EUR 900 000 and 1 300 000

Important information in sight of the submission

When applying to the call, on top of mandatory standard Application Form Parts A & B, you must upload the following mandatory annexes:

  • detailed budget table/calculator - template is available in the Submission System and the correct file is ‘Tpl_Detailed Budget Table (SMP COSME GFS 90)’ – to be uploaded under ‘Detailed budget table’ field;
  • Annex 5 to Part B - Eligibility checklist - to be uploaded under ‘Other annexes’ field.

Info Session

EISMEA hosted an informative session about this call for proposals on 6 October 2023 at 10:00 (CET). The recording will shortly follow.

Power Point Presentation

  • 6 OCTOBER 2023
Power Point Presentation - Proximity and social economy industrial ecosystem: boosting the digital transition of social economy enterprises and SMEs (SMP-COSME-2023-SEED)