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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • Call for proposals
  • Closed

Social economy and local green deals supporting SMEs to become more resilient (SMP-COSME-2021-RESILIENCE)


Publication date
Opening date
Deadline model
Deadline date
24 November 2021, 17:00 (CET)


The call's objectives cover two different topics:

1. Local Green Deals

The objective of this topic is to provide support to SMEs, regional and local economic operators to lead the twin green and digital transition and implement actions aiming to direct the local economy towards a sustainable and inclusive pathway, create new jobs, mitigate the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 crisis and accelerate a new, green and fairer recovery. To achieve this, we will support projects that boost transnational and cross border cooperation among local administrations and local businesses to co-create, co-design and deliver Local Green Deals (LGDs).

2. Social Economy Missions for community resilience

The objective of this topic is to support projects, which will build resilience and increase the capacity of regional or local public administrations, social economy SMEs and civil society to overcome difficulties and crises. We will support projects that build local resilience through transnational and inter-regional peer-learning and collaboration in the field of social economy, development of social economy local action plans with the cooperation of social economy stakeholders and formulation of recommendations to be potentially replicable in other parts of Europe.

Available budget: EUR 4 000 000 (EUR 2 000 000 for Local Green Deals + EUR 2 000 000 for Social Economy Missions for Community Resilience)

Webinar - Presentation available

The webinar for this call was organised on 29 October 2021. You can find the presentation below: 

  • 29 OCTOBER 2021
Call webinar presentation for SMP-COSME-2021 Resilience