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  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Creation of the European Capitals of Small Retail (EISMEA/2024/OP/0017)

Deadline extended by 18 November 2024.


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Deadline date


The European Capitals of Small Retail initiative was proposed by the European Parliament as a Preparatory Action, tasking the European Commission with its implementation. The aim of this call for tenders will be to select a contractor who will manage the competition for selecting the European Capitals of Small Retail alongside the Contracting Authority, and thereafter assist the awarded cities in promotional and networking activities. The contract will cover the first (2026) and second (2027) editions of the Awards.

General objectives: 

  • Awarding three cities per edition – one each in the Big, Medium, and Small categories – as the European Capitals of Small Retail, having achieved remarkable results in supporting small retailers and maintaining vibrant city centres further to the indicated criteria; 
  • Showcasing success stories of cities, which have supported small retailers through vibrant city centres and a thriving small retail sector; 
  • Identifying stories of small retailers who have achieved a successful digital and green transition; 
  • Providing a forum for the exchange of best practices on the above-mentioned issues to provide inspiration to competent authorities, retailers, and other stakeholders; 
  • Promoting the key role of small retail in the social fabric of urban and rural communities; 
  • Enhancing visibility of the economic importance of small retail, notably, in terms of its contribution to local employment and its role in the development of local supply chains.

Specific objectives: 

  • Raising awareness about the competition for the award, including the creation of a visual identity and information campaign;
  • Proposing and implementing a wide selection process across the EU and Single Market Programme (SMP) countries that includes the handling of the administrative and organisational Secretariat for the competition, alongside the management of necessary tools at application/submission stage;
  • Organising the selection process of the European Capitals of Small Retail awards, by managing the administrative and organisational duties linked to the competition and to the appointment of a panel of experts and that of a Jury, besides overseeing their work; 
  • Launching of events in the winning cities whilst supporting them in the organisation of workshops and other events contributing to the exchange of best practices; 
  • Promoting town centre attractiveness through the exhibition of cultural and other visibility programmes of winning cities, during the launching events; 
  • Assisting cities in organising a pilot Delegations of Small Retail exchange programme for delegations of local authorities, representatives of local business communities, and small retailers.

Type of procedure: Open

Maximum contract duration: 36 months

Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 3 000 000

New deadline for receipt of tenders: 18 November 2024 - 10:00 CET

Call page on the Funding and Tenders Portal

Call page on TED (Ted Electronics Daily)