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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • Call for tenders
  • Closed

Innospace Platform

EISMEA wishes to enter into a service contract to purchase access to a software service solution (‘Software as a service’) providing access to a computer platform, accessible online.


Publication date
Deadline date
Opening of tenders
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency


This computer platform must provide for an AI-based virtual European Innovation Space (the Innospace) open to all interested stakeholders and parties, and include a specific EIC AI-based sub-platform (the EIC Space) providing for the implementation and management of all EIC instruments and operations. The services that are the subject of this call for tenders, including any minimum requirements, are described in the tender specifications.

The call on eTendering portal

All documents are available on the eTendering portal

Contract notice

Contract award notice 2022/S 248-720549