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Towards a Pilot European Start-up Scoreboard


Publication date
Deadline date
Opening of tenders
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency


The aim of this action is to define a common methodology for the collection of data and analysis of startups, scale-ups and their ecosystem in the European Union. This action shall provide the basis for a European Startup Scoreboard to monitor, measure and benchmark the innovation performance EU’s start-up ecosystem.

Estimated value excluding VAT: EUR 500000

Type of procedure: open

Maximum contract duration: 12 months

For more information, read the contract notice on the EU Funding & Tenders Portal (

Objectives (General and Specific)

The present study aims to guide the process of selecting fit-for-purpose, operational concept definitions and indicators for a European Startup Scoreboard (ESS).

The study should also include the collection of the selected indicators to present a pilot scoreboard with quantitative results. It would allow the comparison of indicators that cannot be compared today due to the lack of definitional coherence. 

As a consequence, the scoreboard should provide policymakers with an exploratory tool whose role is comparable to that of the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS) in the field of innovation but focused specifically on startup’s and scaleup’s ecosystem. The exploratory tool of the pilot ESS will be designed as a prototype that can be integrated into the EIS tool.

This study will be prepared under the European Innovation Ecosystems Work Programme 23-24 named “Towards a Pilot European Start-up Scoreboard”.

The objective of this study is to develop a pilot European Startup Scoreboard that would complement existing initiatives such as the European Innovation Scoreboard (EIS). Based on the feasibility study for a European Startup Scoreboard3, the contractor will have to come up with concrete suggestions for common definitions. 

The specific objectives of this study are to:

  • Introduce common definitions of startups, scaleups and deep tech innovation.
  • Establish indicators measuring the performance of startups and scaleups based on 
  • existing /available data.
  • Present a pilot scoreboard and produce results and analysis.