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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)

Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Support Facility

About the I3 Support Facility

The Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Support Facility is an initiative by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA) and the  Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy (DG REGIO).

It provides support to regional and national innovation stakeholders and public authorities, fostering strong interregional innovation ecosystems and reinforcing the objectives of the Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument.

With a special focus on less developed regions, EU outermost regions, and regions facing specific challenges, the I3 Support Facility aims to:

  • Connect regional ecosystems within shared Smart Specialisation areas.
  • Promote interregional innovation ecosystems.
  • Enhance interregional innovation capacity.
  • Foster engagement in European value chains and joint investment projects.

How can you benefit from I3 Instrument support?

  • Collaboration & knowledge sharing

    The Capacity Building Hub will provide the opportunity for promoting project ideas, looking for partners and showcase examples of I3 projects.
    For contributions, such as examples of good interregional practices or topics of interest, please contact the I3 Support Facility at contactati3supportfacility [dot] eu (contact[at]i3supportfacility[dot]eu)

  • Monitoring project progress

    Explore the I3 Instrument Observatory to monitor project progress, trends, and outcomes.
    The I3 Instrument Observatory is currently under construction.

  • Policy development & solutions

    Participate in the Policy Lab, where expert discussion groups tackle key regional innovation challenges and develop actionable solutions.

  • Networking & events

    Engage with innovation leaders at webinars, workshops, and the Annual I3 Instrument Forum, where stakeholders exchange best practices and ideas.

The facility also complements the S3 Community of Practice (S3 COP) by facilitating knowledge-sharing through S3 COP channels and collaborating with S3 thematic platforms and partnerships. It builds on valuable experience gained from actions supported under the I3 Instrument’s Capacity building calls.

Join the I3 Instrument Community!

Subscribe to the I3 Instrument Support Facility newsletter for exclusive updates on funding opportunities, events, and tailored support for interregional innovation.

Share your perspective – Policy Lab & discussion groups

A key feature of the I3 Instrument Support Facility is the Policy Lab, where discussion groups focus on nine critical topics such as interregional collaboration, stakeholder engagement, and funding instruments.

Between 2025 and 2027, three new discussion groups will be launched each year, bringing together experts for two online meetings and one in-person meeting per year.


  • Ecosystem

    Engaging managing authorities in inter-regional collaboration.

    Developing regional and global value chains, especially in less developed areas.

    Managing innovation ecosystems (e.g., entrepreneurial discovery, cluster policies, open innovation platforms).

  • Investments

    Supporting SMEs in identification of inter-regional investment and scaling up ideas.

    Enhancing investment readiness and capacity for building business and investment plans.

  • Framework conditions and regulatory framework

    Enhancing innovation policies and regulations in less developed regions through experimentation, public procurement and pilot cases.

    Facilitating cross-border collaboration, infrastructure access, staff exchange, training, and regulatory sandboxes.

Why participate?

  •  Share insights and best practices on interregional innovation.
  •  Contribute to policy development and strategic planning.
  •  Build networks and collaborations across European regions.

Find out more and apply

Annual I3 Instrument Forum – save the date!

  • 📅 Brussels | 24-25 September 2025

    Join policymakers, regional authorities, and innovation leaders at the first annual I3 Instrument Forum to discuss the impact of the I3 Instrument, share best practices, and foster collaboration.

    The Forum will highlight successful I3 Instrument projects, synergies, and innovative approaches, shaping the future of interregional investments in Europe.

    Stay tuned for more details!

Monthly virtual events

  • Join interactive webinars to learn about interregional innovation investments, foster networking, and share insights. These sessions go beyond traditional presentations by encouraging peer engagement, experience sharing, and feedback on best practices.

    Read more

Do you need help?

  • FAQs

    Consult the FAQs

  • Contact the Support Facility

    contactatI3supportfacility [dot] eu (contact[at]I3supportfacility[dot]eu)
    webinarsatI3supportfacility [dot] eu (webinars[at]I3supportfacility[dot]eu)
