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Monthy I3 Instrument Support Facility virtual events

Upcoming virtual events

  • #3 From Thematic Platforms to I3 Instrument projects

    Date: 31 March 2025
    Time: 14:00–15:30 CET
    Location: Online

    Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships (TSSPs) bring together regions interested in exploring and developing new value chains aligned with their smart specialisation strategies. 

    The Interregional Innovation Investments (I3) Instrument supports this collaboration by funding projects that strengthen interregional value chains. 

    Join our virtual session to discover how Thematic Smart Specialisation Partnerships (TSSPs) are leveraging the I3 Instrument, with expert insights on key success factors, challenges, and opportunities for building lasting interregional innovation partnerships.


    • Els Van de Velde – Representative from S3 Community of Practice (S3CoP)

    • René Wijlens – Coordinator of I3 Instrument project Inshape & Sport & Vitality TSSP

    • Jasmina Solecka – Coordinator of I3 Instrument project Value4Pack & Food Packaging TSSP

    Why Attend?

    • Gain insights into the role of TSSPs leveraging I3 Instrument projects

    • Understand key challenges and success factors to promote lasting interregional innovation partnerships

    • Learn from real-case experiences of leading partnerships


    Webinar number: 2743 217 6584
    Webinar password: 3WKhq86ve2* (39547868 when dialing from a phone or video system)

Past virtual events

  • #1 Financial reporting & communication for I3 Instrument projects

    Date: 29 January 2025
    Time: 14:00 -15:30 CET

    The first I3 Support Facility virtual event focused on financial reporting and communication strategies for I3 Instrument projects.

    In the first part of the session, Jana Dobiasova (EISMEA) covered key aspects of financial management, including mid-term reporting, the eligibility of unit travel costs, transferring funds between partners, and the process for revising detailed budget tables.

    The second part, led by Communication Advisor at EISMEA  Marie Faturová, explored effective communication strategies for I3 projects. She provided insights on increasing project visibility on social media and shared practical tips for improving outreach and engagement.

    The event concluded with an interactive Q&A session, giving participants the opportunity to seek clarification on both financial and communication topics. This ensured they left with a clear understanding of how to efficiently manage and promote their projects for maximum impact.

    Agenda  Presentations  Video


  • #2 Quadruple Helix – Key actors and how they operate

    Date: 5 March 2025
    Time: 14:00-15:30 CET

    The second I3SF Virtual Event explored the Quadruple Helix model, focusing on the collaboration between policymakers, industry, academia, and civil society in driving innovation. The session began with an introduction to the I3 Instrument Support Facility, followed by a presentation on the key roles of stakeholders within the Quadruple Helix, delivered by Sander van der Molen (I3 Instrument Support Facility, Civitta), highlighting the challenges and opportunities in these partnerships. 

    Next, Marko Hren (Slovenia’s Ministry of Cohesion and Regional Development) then discussed the role of national and regional authorities in developing regional innovation ecosystems, sharing examples of successful innovation policies that foster Quadruple Helix collaboration. 

    Following this, Ints Viksna (Project Coordinator of Strand 2b), explored the contributions of technology parks, clusters, and innovation agencies in strengthening regional innovation ecosystems and enhancing the uptake of research.

    The event concluded with a discussion on real-world applications and case studies, focusing on successful collaborations within the Quadruple Helix model and the importance of involving all actors to create impactful project proposals.

    Agenda  Presentations  Video