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News article22 June 20215 min read

6 calls for proposals in Consumers policy field under the Single Market Programme - now at EISMEA

6 calls for action and operating grants are opening on 22 June 2021 under the Consumers objective of the new Single Market Programme.

As of 1 April 2021, the Consumers strand of the Single Market Programme is largely implemented by the European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA). Total budget of the Consumers 2021-2022 bi-annual Work Programme is EUR 46 674 531, out of which around 36 million euros are foreseen for the actions that are delegated to EISMEA, while the rest will be implemented by the Directorate General of the European Commission for Justice and Consumers (DG JUST).

The Consumer Policy Work Programme 2021-2022 aims at promoting the interests of consumers and ensuring a high level of protection of consumer rights and product safety by empowering, assisting and educating consumers, businesses and civil society.

On 22 June 2021, six calls for grants – five for action and one operating grant – open under the Consumers part of the Single Market programme. EISMEA will organise info sessions for some of them open to prospective eligible applicants from the specific categories identified in the Work Programme.


1. Call for Proposals for Action Grants to provide financial contribution to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) bodies

Call objectives: The aim of this Call is to facilitate the consumers' access to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) entities compliant with Directive 2013/11/EU; including protection to vulnerable consumers, networking of national alternative dispute resolution entities, promoting monitoring activities on the functioning and the effectiveness of dispute resolution mechanisms.

Eligible applicants: The applicants must be, on the date of the submission of the proposal, an Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) entity notified to the European Commission pursuant to Article 20(2) of Directive 2013/11/EU on consumer ADR.

Budget : EUR 1 000 000

Publication date: 22 June 2021

Deadline for applications: 2 September 2021, 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)

More info: Call page

2. Call for Proposals for Action Grants for promoting stable debt advice services

Call objectives: The aim of this Call is to facilitate the consumers' access to debt-advice services on a stable base in a number of Member States where the availability and the quality of debt-advice services is currently insufficient, inadequate or completely lacking. At the moment, according to the results of various information sources, this is the case in 13 EU Member States (ES – IT – MT - GR – CY – RO – HU – BG – HR – SI – SK – LT – LV).

Eligible applicants: Legal entities – public bodies or private non-profit bodies such as NGOs, charities, Consumer associations or micro or small-sized enterprises[1] operating in the sector of financial advice,  whose core/professional activity is not in conflict of interest with the provision of debt advice in favour of over-indebted persons or households. Proposals must relate to debt advice activities taking place in only one of the EU Member States, mentioned above.

Budget: EUR 780 000

Publication date: 22 June 2021

Deadline for applications: 1 September 2021, 17:00 CET (Brussels)

More info: Call page

An online info session is organised for the Debt Advice 2021 call on 2 July  2021 from 10:00 to 12:00 CET. To express your interest in participating, complete the online registration form.



3. Call for Proposals for Action Grants to the designated bodies to host the European Consumer Centres (ECC)

Call objectives: The objective of these grants is to support a better enforcement of consumer rights by enabling consumers to exercise their rights in a cross border context. The grants shall cover the activities of one ECC per participating country in 2022 and 2023.

Eligible applicants: According to Article 9 (5) of SMP Regulation (EU) 2021/690 and in line with point 2.5 of Annex 3 to the Commission Implementing Decision C(2021) 3046 final of 6.5.2021 and Article 195 (1)(d) of the Financial Regulation, the grant may be directly awarded to bodies designated by each Member State and each third country which is member of the EEA, as eligible for actions that support consumer protection by implementing the specific objective referred to in Article 3(2)(d)(i) of the SMP Regulation and that are related to the ECC Network. The entity must be (a) a non-profit-making body; or (b) a public body.

Budget: EUR 10 000 000

Publication date: 22 June 2021

Deadline for applications: 1 September 2021, 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)

More info: Call page

4. Call for Proposals for the Action Grants supporting competent enforcement authorities and consumer representative organizations (CPC) and actions which enhance the cooperation between competent authorities

Call objectives: This call for action grants and action grants of exceptional utility is for the years 2021 and 2022, and is aimed at supporting the activities of national authorities and other relevant bodies notified under the Consumer Protection Cooperation (CPC) Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2017/2394) to tackle breaches of the laws listed in the Annex of this Regulation.

Eligible applicants: Legal entities (public or private bodies), established in one of the eligible countries – EU Member States (including overseas countries and territories (OCTs)) or non-EU countries (listed EEA countries and countries associated to the Consumer strand of the Single Market Programme (associated countries)). Entities, which are notified to the Commission in accordance with Article 8 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2394 (competent authorities/ single liaison offices/ designated bodies/ public or private entities issuing external alerts under Article 27 (1) of the Regulation (EU) 2017/2394). ‘Other public authorities’ for the purpose of assisting competent authorities at their request in the context of the proposed activity and in accordance with Article 6 of Regulation (EU) 2017/2394.

Budget:  EUR 1 000 000

Publication date:  22 June 2021

Deadline for applications: 9 September 2021, 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)

More info: Call page

5. Invitation for Direct Action Grants to support the activities of Member States authorities participating in EU consumer policy

Call objectives: The Beneficiary would organise event(s) in a form and on topics established by the respective Presidency of the Council of the EU in agreement with the European Commission, which aims at promoting the Consumer Agenda “Strengthening consumer resilience for sustainable recovery”, its priorities and actions.

Eligible applicants: Grants may be awarded directly to national authorities of the Member State holding the Presidency of the Council of the EU or to bodies designated by that Member State for the organisation of event(s) linked to key consumer policy priorities.

Budget: EUR 100 000

Publication date: 22 June 2021

Deadline for applications: 14 July 2021, 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)

More info: Call page

6. Invitation for the Operating Grant to support the activities of the consumer organisation at the Union level – award to the beneficiary identified in the legal base – BEUC

Call objectives: BEUC’s functioning will be co-financed. This will include: involvement and participation in public consultations to review legislation and in meetings with stakeholder groups, not only concerning the priorities set by the consumer policy itself, but also concerning the mainstreaming of national consumer interests in other EU relevant policies, cooperation on concrete issues with EU level regulators (such as on energy), with NGOs (for example on environment), and with business associations (such as AIM brand association, Euro-commerce, Digital Europe and Eurelectric); communication and dissemination of the results of its activities; networking with and supporting the national consumer organisations.

Eligible applicants: BEUC (Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs), in accordance with Article 10(1)(e) of the SMP Regulation

Budget: EUR 2 000 000

Publication date: 22 June 2021

Deadline for applications: 24 August 2021, 17:00:00 CET (Brussels)

More info: Call page


[1]    Commission Recommendation of 6 May 2003 concerning the definition of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (notified under document number C(2003) 1422) (2003/361/EC), Article 2 of the Annex.


Publication date
22 June 2021