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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
News article25 June 2021European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency1 min read

DigiCirc: achieving the circular economy through digitisation

The INNOSUP funded project DigiCirc helps SMEs leverage digital technology to create innovative circular products, services and business models and achieve an EU circular economy.

DigiCirc aims to seize upon the potential of new digital technologies to boost the transition to circular economy. It focuses on three thematic areas: circular cities, blue economy and bio economy.

The project brings together potentially high-impact SMEs and creates a new cross-European ecosystem working around the circular economy by organising acceleration programs and building a community of likeminded stakeholders. It also developed four digital tools to support interested firms.

DigiCirc started its first acceleration programme with 17 cross-sectoral SME consortia advancing solutions for circular cities. Projects currently under acceleration include solutions on food and plastic waste, renewable energy and circular energy consumption in urban environments, local and circular production, and urban mobility.

Throughout an intensive 12-week programme, the consortia develop their business plans and validate their prototypes, under the guidance of experienced business coaches and mentors. Not only technical and business aspects are covered, but also the use of intellectual property rights.

At the final event, the participating consortia pitch their projects and prototypes to investors and project partners. The top five projects will receive a grant of EUR 100,000 to bring their prototypes to the market.

Following the successful first round, DigiCirc is organising two more acceleration programmes on Blue Economy and Bio Economy. The deadline for applying for the blue economy acceleration programme is 3 August  2021.

The acceleration programme is set to kick off in December 2021. The last open call on bio economy will be launched on 2 September 2021.

Overall, the project will spend EUR 2.4 million on at least 90 SMEs.

You can find more information about the project and its open calls on the website.



Publication date
25 June 2021
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency