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  • News article
  • 7 July 2023
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

EU-funded GALATEA project wins the Westmed Project Award 2023

Represenative of GALATEA at podium getting the award at the WESTMED 2023 Conference
GALATEA awarded at the WESTMED 2023 Conference
©Westmed, 2023

The Horizon 2020-INNOSUP-01 funded project GALATEA, the blue growth accelerator, received the Westmed Project Award 2023, in the category of Sustainable Consumption and Production, at the WestMED Stakeholders Conference in Malta, on 22 June 2023.

This international project competition  showcases and honours outstanding success stories, of innovative and replicable solutions  in the western Mediterranean in four categories: 

  1. Sustainable Consumption and Production,
  2. Biodiversity, Marine Habitat Conservation and response to marine pollution,
  3. Sustainable fisheries, Aquaculture and Coastal Community Development, and
  4. Development and Circulation of Skills and Knowledge.

Check this video below to learn more about GALATEA, the blue growth accelerator, and their efforts on sustainable consumption and production in the blue economy sector.

The EU-funded project GALATEA wins the WestMed2023 Project Awards
©GALATEA, 2023

Background Information

The GALATEA project, with a budget of EUR 3.7 million, supported 23 projects, involving 42 SMEs from 5 countries, to implement innovative solutions in smart port, smart ship, smart shipyard and maritime surveillance. It aimed at accelerating innovative projects and developing new cross-sectoral and cross-border industrial value-chains. It did so by integrating technologies and know-how from aerospace and digital communities under four high potential Blue Growth domains: Smart Ship, Smart Port, Smart Shipyard and Maritime Surveillance.

The WestMED initiative is supported by the European Commission to help achieve a safer and more secure maritime space, create a smarter and more resilient Blue Economy and improve the maritime governance for the western Mediterranean.
