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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • News article
  • 20 December 2023
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

The EU-funded project MINE.THE.GAP brings together providers and businesses in the mining industry for its final event

The MINE.THE.GAP project, funded under the Horizon 2020 INNOSUP programme, has helped 63 SMEs to develop products, technologies and solutions for the raw materials and mining sectors.

The project was closed after 39 months of cooperation between 11 partners (nine European clusters, one Research & Technology Organisation and an international association) coordinated by the ICAMCyL Foundation, a key European player and competence centre in raw materials and advanced materials sectors.

The project’s final event, held in Brussels on 14 November 2023, was part of the EU Raw Material Week 2023.

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securing the mineral raw materials supply to the European Union

The purpose of the morning session, organised in cooperation with the OECD and the S3P-Mining Industry, was to explore how interregional cooperation could help improving the supply of mineral raw materials in the EU, attract investments and align with EU policies. It was also a chance to exchange priorities, policy developments and opportunities among regions involved in S3P partnership, and to strengthen the network of European regions specialised in mining activities, complementing the actions taken by MINE.THE.GAP.

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The afternoon session highlighted the main results of the project, including the achievements made by the funded SMEs as well as the benefits obtained from mining companies participating in the action. In total, more than €3 million were dedicated to support services and financing for SMEs during the project.

After the display of results, a first round table was organised to discuss the future scale-up to a raw materials Eurocluster and a second one was held to discuss the role of MINE.THE.GAP in the New European Innovation Agenda and the coverage of the Critical Raw Materials Act. To conclude, 2 SMEs (ENVISOL and MNLT Innovations), funded by MINE.THE.GAP, presented the projects developed thanks to the cascade funding.

For further information, please visit MINE.THE.GAP project’s website.


Publication date
20 December 2023
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency