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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • News article
  • 16 December 2021
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

European Clusters Panorama 2021: towards a resilient economy

The Commission has published the 2021 edition of the European Cluster Panorama, looking at how economic and industrial clusters are helping to make the transition to the green and digital economies.

The European Commission has published its 2021 report on how economic clusters are adapting and responding to the post-pandemic climate in Europe.

The report, the 2021 European Cluster Panorama, gives a detailed outlook on the economic activities of cluster organisations in the EU based on sectoral and employment statistics.

European clusters are groups of related economic or industrial organisations that are located near each other with similar levels of expertise and skills. They represent about 25% of EU employment and are located in around 200 regions across Europe.

The report outlines the role clusters play in developing resilient, green and digital economies, and the economic activities of clusters across the EU based on the 14 industrial ecosystems laid-out in the Commission’s updated industrial strategy.

Read the European Cluster Panorama 2021

Learn more about the European Cluster Collaboration Platform

A guide to EU cluster policy

Updating the 2020 industrial strategy: towards a stronger single market for Europe's recovery


Publication date
16 December 2021
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency