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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • News article
  • 20 January 2022
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

GALACTICA: Bringing together textile and aerospace with advanced manufacturing

The Horizon 2020 INNOSUP funded project GALACTICA helps SMEs leverage advanced manufacturing to develop more resilient, green and digital aerospace and textile value chains.

 GALACTICA aims to bring advanced technologies and materials as transformation pathway in textile and aerospace value chains through advanced manufacturing.

A major goal is to bring closer together textile and aerospace in route towards high added value products and services, that can address green and digital transitions in a broad approach. The holistic approach by GALACTICA, brings together the different sectors through a series of Learning Expeditions, cross-sectoral workshops, a community platform, hackathons, etc., and supports its deployment through acceleration vouchers: Pioneer Acceleration and Orbital Projects.

Winning teams of the 2nd GALACTICA hackathon proudly posing with checks for their respective prize money - €25 thousand for the champions AMADEMA, and €10 thousand each for LUNASA and MILKY WAY BIOSAILOR.
Winning teams of the 2nd GALACTICA hackathon © GALACTICA 2021

So far, GALACTICA has already implemented two hackathons and awarded €95,000 in prizes to 4 SMEs and 3 student teams. For participants, hackathons were just the starting point, and 2 student teams have already established a start-up and are working to launch their business ideas to market.

During fall 2021, GALACTICA has also organized 8 Learning Expeditions visiting for two days the different innovation ecosystems of clusters in the partnership. More than 39 unique SMEs, from 13 EU Countries have participated in the visits.

In addition, the GALACTICA first call for proposals supported the 26 best projects, out of 83 applications, granting €1.16 million to 40 SMEs involved in the 8 Orbital Projects and 18 Pioneer Acceleration projects from 12 EU countries.


Now, GALACTICA has recently launched the second call for proposals on 18 January. This second call has €1.64 million in financial support and we aim to fund around 34 projects involving around 46 SMEs. In addition, supported SMEs will receive coaching and access to group events to accelerate their market launch.

The deadline for submitting proposals is 17.00 CEST 30 March.

If you want to learn more, join GALACTICA in Brussels during the info-day on 10 February. Participants will learn success stories from first call applicants, tips on how to prepare successful proposals and the details of the call. In addition, participants will be able to join the GALACTICA matchmaking to meet potential partners to jointly apply.

You can find more information about the project and its open calls for proposals on the website.   




Publication date
20 January 2022
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency