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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • News article
  • 15 December 2022
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 1 min read

Renovation Summit 2022 - Fast tracking innovation to mitigate the energy crisis


More than 40 speakers, including social housing providers, policymakers, tenants, cities and service providers, came together in the second edition of the Renovation Summit organised by the European Affordable Housing Consortium: Sustainable Housing for Social Impact (SHAPE-EU) – an initiative supported under the Single Market Programme.

The 2-day event (16-17 November 2022), organised in partnership with the European Committee of the Regions and the House of Dutch Provinces, addressed how the Social Renovation Wave could be implemented in practice, which market-ready technologies can help us reach a fair energy transition and which are the benefits that the digitalisation of our buildings could bring to our society.

The event aimed at reaching and involving all relevant stakeholders, especially social and private housing developers, universities, and local governments – as this triple helix is called to act to overcome the housing crisis by fighting energy poverty thanks to the Renovation Wave.

Watch the recording, download the presentations and learn more about the event and its outputs on the project's website.

The SHAPE-EU project

The European affordable housing consortium is the point of reference for a socially-inclusive Renovation Wave and New European Bauhaus. As of March 2022, 10 partners have joined efforts to shape the Renovation Wave for the Social and Affordable Housing Sector. The partnership will develop blueprints for a just energy transition with affordability and liveability at its heart. Coordinated by Housing Europe and co-funded by the European Union’s Single Market Programme/COSME, the goal of the project is to support public, social and cooperative housing providers, public authorities, and SMEs to deliver social and affordable housing district renovations, which include innovative features, such as the use of smart and circular technologies and new approaches created and managed jointly with the local communities.

For more information visit SHAPE-EU website.


Publication date
15 December 2022
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency