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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • News article
  • 17 February 2021
  • 1 min read

Towards a new European policy agenda for Entrepreneurship Education through COSME's "Peer-learning" project

COSME-funded project "Peer-learning activities in Entrepreneurship Education and Women's Entrepreneurship" has adapted its activities into a fully online mode in its third and final year.

Currently, stakeholders from 40 countries are finalising recommendations for future actions to move Entrepreneurship Education forward at local, regional and European levels. 

How can these actions contribute to European goals in the areas of digital and green transitions? What is Entrepreneurship Education's role in equipping the next generation of Europeans with the right skills and competences to tackle future challenges and economic recovery? And how can girls from an early age be encouraged to become entrepreneurs and leaders through hands-on educational programmes at school? 

These are some of the key issues identified as drivers of the future European Entrepreneurship Education agenda, to be tackled by the workshop participants. To ensure concrete follow-up and implementation of the recommended actions, it is also critical to link the Entrepreneurship Education topic to current policy priorities and funding mechanisms at local, national and European levels.

The workshops, surveys and research over the first two years of the project have identified six priority areas under which the recommended actions to move Entrepreneurship Education forward have been clustered:

  1. Leadership & strategy
  2. Initial teacher training
  3. Continuous professional development of teachers (cpd)
  4. Cooperation & networking
  5. Awareness & visibility
  6. Research & knowledge transfer

The invited experts and stakeholders are currently reviewing the policy ideas and recommended actions, and will propose input and adjustments based on good practice and expertise from their local context.

A series of Live Sessions and Online Community engagements are taking place ahead of the final COSME peer-learning workshop in Entrepreneurship Education to be held in a virtual format on 10 March 2021. We look forward to sharing the outcomes of this work!

For more information, please check the project's website or contact its minnaatjaeurope [dot] org (project coordinator)


Publication date
17 February 2021