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European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency (EISMEA)
  • News article
  • 23 November 2021
  • European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency
  • 2 min read

WORTH II: the first call is now open

You have until 2 February 2022 to apply!

WORTH II, the second edition of our successful WORTH Partnership Project initiative, aims to create cross-border and cross-discipline collaborations between designers, crafters, SME manufacturers, tech-firms and start-ups across EU-27, UK or COSME countries, and to develop unique and high-end products in the following sectors: fashion and textile, footwear, fur and leather, furniture/home decoration/architecture, accessories and jewellery.

Funded via the COSME programme, WORTH is all about creating transnational partnerships and supporting design-driven projects/ideas. The added value firmly lies in design concepts by integrating disruptive techniques and technologies creatively.

This call for proposals is dedicated to the principles of the New European Bauhaus initiative, which seeks to develop more sustainable, inclusive and beautiful living environments.

150 innovative projects were awarded in the previous edition of WORTH, and up to 202 projects will be supported until 2025 during its second edition.

Do you want to be one of them? Then get ready to apply!

WORTH II is looking for designers, SME manufacturers, crafters, technology companies operating in the lifestyle industries, including fashion/textile, footwear, furniture/home decoration/architecture, leather/fur, jewellery and accessories, who are actively looking for new opportunities to exploit ideas tackling the principles of sustainability, inclusion and beauty of the New European Bauhaus.

Applicants will need to show a keen interest to connect, create and innovate on a transnational basis. The submitted ideas and projects will be evaluated according to the quality and operational capacities of the partnership members to implement the project successfully. 

If you are selected, you will benefit from an incubator programme consisting of:

  • Media kit including international media relation activity, advertising and social media
  • € 10.000 to € 20.000 seed money
  • Participation in two international design events
  • A tailor-made mentoring programme
  • Cross-sector collaboration and participation in networking events
  • Professional links
  • Visibility of their professional profile on the WORTH Gallery


Application process and Info Sessions:

You can find all the information you need to start working on your proposal on WORTH´s website. Check it out and start your application today!

If you still feel that you need more support, the WORTH Team hosted an Info Session packed with information on the call.

You will have another chance to find out more during an Info Session organised by the JRC on 1 December 2021 (14:00 -17:00 CET). The WORTH Team will go through the main objectives of the initiative and the relevance of the current call to the New European Bauhaus. No need to register, you will be able to access the web streaming on the day of the event!


Publication date
23 November 2021
European Innovation Council and SMEs Executive Agency