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Consumer Programme

Promoting the interests of consumers and
ensuring a high level of consumer protection
and product safety


The general objective of the programme is to ensure a high level of consumer protection through the empowerment of European consumers. Consumers are placed at the heart of the internal market, in the frame of the EU strategy for a smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.

More specifically, the regulation on the current programme sets four principal objectives:

Funding opportunities

The Consumer Programme is the financial instrument of the EU consumer policy.

Types of funding schemes

  •  Grants
  •  Procurement

Who can participate?

Government entitiesPublic bodies and Consumer organisations at national and EU-level.

National authorities and consumer organisations are the direct beneficiaries of the programme and the EU consumers are the ultimate target group of the actions undertaken.

EU consumers will benefit from having at their disposal better consumer organisations, access to advice from the European Consumers Centres and enforcement actions carried over by the national authorities.