European Consumer Organisation
BEUC (Bureau Européen des Unions de Consommateurs), also known as the European Consumer Organisation, is an umbrella of 42 European consumer organisations bringing together representatives from 31 countries (EU, EEA and candidate countries).
BEUC represents, defends and promotes the interests of consumers in the decision-making process of the European Union, acting as the “consumer voice in Europe”. However it does not deal with consumers’ complaints as this is the role of its national member organisations.
BEUC is also a member of the Consumers International and of the Transatlantic Consumer Dialogue (TACD) in order to ensure consumer rights are considered at a global level.
BEUC receives financial support from the EU Consumer Programme in the form of an operating grant.
Consumer Classroom
Consumer Classroom is a multilingual pan-European community website for teachers. It brings together an extensive library on consumer education from across the EU and provides interactive and collaborative tools to help prepare and share lessons with students as well as with other teachers.
Who is Consumer Classroom for?
The main target group are secondary school teachers (of students aged 12-18) in all the European Member States.
Consumer Classroom can also be of interest to consumer organisations, teachers’ associations, Education Ministries as well as consumer education experts, parents, and the community. Anyone who wishes to contribute to consumer education is welcome to use the website.
What's the Consumer Classroom Inter-school Competition?
The Inter-School Competition is a collaborative tool which encourages schools to partner with other schools across the EU to create joint projects on consumer topics, and to participate in a competition taking place once a year.
Consumer Champion
What's Consumer Champion?
Consumer Champion is a capacity building programme aiming to develop and strengthen consumer organisations and related bodies from EU countries, EEA and candidate countries.
Consumer Champion focuses on three areas of activity:
- Training
- Networking
- Resources
The web-platform is designed to function as a hub for collaboration, exchange and progress in the consumer sector.
Who is Consumer Champion for?
The programme is for all stakeholders involved in consumer policy, such as consumer organisation management, consumer professionals and experts, as well as volunteers in the consumer sector.